My desire to become an Orthodontist started when I was a boy. I first completed my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science at Concordia University in Montreal before moving west to study Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

After spending two years as a dentist at the Children’s Hospital in Winnipeg, I began a Master of Science degree from the Medical School at the University of Louisville in Kentucky in Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology. My thesis focused on craniofacial proportions using 3D X-rays (CBCT).

After completing my studies in the United States, I moved back north to Winnipeg. There I pursued my studies to obtain my Orthodontic Specialty from the University of Manitoba as part of my second Master of Science degree. My thesis for this degree focused on growth maturation indicators using 3D X-rays (CBCT).

I am a Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics and a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.


Dr. Richard Halpern BSc DMD MSc MSc (Ortho) FRCD(C)
Specialist in Orthodontics